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Views:  10091

Published:  2017-06-18 

Author:  hasanuzzaman

Published In:  Finance

Business development and the banks play a critical role in the healthy economy of a country.  On the one hand, the banks create capital to finance various activities and on the other hand, business makes the economy grow. This creates the . . . .


Use the following link to read the full article ~ SURVIVE THIS CHALLENGE AND YOUR BUSINESS WILL GROW

Views:  8904

Published:  2017-12-20 

Author:  Dheeraj

Published In:  Finance

Credit Rating: Credit rating is the evaluation of the credit worthiness of an individual or of a business concern or of an instrument of a business based on the relevant factors indicating ability and willingness to pay obligations and also net worth. It establishes a . . . .


Use the following link to read the full article ~ Credit Rating

Views:  2055

Published:  2018-11-12 

Author:  BeneficialInsurance

Published In:  Finance

Auto insurance has become a hot topic in a modern economy. Due to the changing government regulations, promises of cheaper rates, stories of unsettled claims and confusing industry lingo, it can be tough to know where . . . .


Use the following link to read the full article ~ Find The Best Auto Insurance With Ease With Auto Insurance Brokers

Views:  762

Published:  2020-02-18 

Author:  SarahAddyson

Published In:  Finance

An Oregon credit union is a similar institution with a bank. Both of them are in the financial market and they operate almost the same. The differences between them are the goal they . . . .


Use the following link to read the full article ~ 2 Big Advantages That An Oregon Credit Union Has Over A Bank

Views:  742

Published:  2020-02-25 

Author:  ndcdebtrelief

Published In:  Finance

Many people do not understand the term called national debt, in short, and simple way to get the whole idea about what is meant by national debt, it is the public and intergovernmental . . . .


Use the following link to read the full article ~ Understand How To Handle The Situation Of National Debt

Views:  943

Published:  2020-05-02 

Author:  SarahAddyson

Published In:  Finance

When planning for your financial future a financial advisor North Carolina seems the best way to go. But, although financial advisors can be found relatively easy, it is important to know which one is the right type for you. . . . .


Use the following link to read the full article ~ Choosing The Right Financial Advisor North Carolina

Views:  731

Published:  2020-05-26 

Author:  SarahAddyson

Published In:  Finance

1.    The Banks in North Carolina Offer You Credit Lines! One of the best services offered by the banks in North Carolina, that you can use to avoid . . . .


Use the following link to read the full article ~ 5 Services Offered By The Banks In North Carolina That Will Increase Your Business Profit!

Views:  775

Published:  2022-07-26 

Author:  AliciaKaran

Published In:  Finance

Then, they use your credit history to see if you’d be able to make those repayments. If you have bad credit, you could face difficulty obtaining a mortgage. For example, if you cannot afford your . . . .


Use the following link to read the full article ~ How To Get A Mortgage With Bad Credit In 2022

Views:  649

Published:  2020-10-12 

Author:  SarahAddyson

Published In:  Finance

Most People Make Online Credit Card Payments Instead of Other Alternatives!  Nowadays, the technology evolves at a fast rate. And the financial industry also makes use of this advancement . . . .


Use the following link to read the full article ~ Why Is Online Credit Card Processing The Most Popular Alternative?

Views:  451

Published:  2021-06-24 

Author:  SarahAddyson

Published In:  Finance

Customization is one of the best options people can use to make a product they are using into something a bit more personal. For instance, cards are used for payments on a daily basis because they offer more comfort and they get the job done faster as . . . .


Use the following link to read the full article ~ How To Buy EZLink Card

Views:  1246

Published:  2022-10-13 

Author:  n.paul

Published In:  Finance

Banks play the hugest and most significant role in maintaining the balance of global finance industry. To provide the definition of a bank it can be stated that banks are the financial organizations that offer a number of products and services related to finance. The . . . .


Use the following link to read the full article ~ 10 Largest Banks Of The World To Rule The Finance Industry

Views:  10313

Published:  2017-06-16 

Author:  hasanuzzaman

Published In:  Credit

Introduction There are numerous ways in which businesses or individuals can obtain credit. For some, it remains a lifelong battle to find institutions, leave alone individuals who are willing to accept the risk of providing them with credit finance. In this regard, we should spare a thought . . . .


Use the following link to read the full article ~ CREDIT - YOUR SAVING GRACE OR YOUR DOWNFALL

Views:  485

Published:  2024-02-01 

Author:  larryhaight

Published In:  Debt Consolidation

In a world where financial stability often seems elusive, debt settlement is a beacon of hope. It helps individuals grappling with overwhelming debt. This comprehensive guide delves into the intricacies of debt settlement. It sheds light on its advantages and potential drawbacks. This article explores proven strategies for . . . .


Use the following link to read the full article ~ Birmingham Debt Settlement Solutions: Strategies For A Brighter Financial Future

Views:  8526

Published:  2017-11-19 

Author:  Dheeraj

Published In:  Fundraising

1. Overview - Investment Every person earning money plans his or her future based on the amount they earn.But in reality, it depends on how much you could save rather than on how much you earn. Savings take maybe of two types. . . . .


Use the following link to read the full article ~ A Detailed Guide on Angel Investment

Views:  1929

Published:  2018-04-04 

Author:  Kevinsmith124

Published In:  Insurance

Are you facing any kind of emergency when you want to claim your insurance policy? Most of the people go for various kinds of insurance policies to secure the future and life. Many companies are available in the market to provide . . . .


Use the following link to read the full article ~ Get The Help Of Professional Insurance Adjuster For The Easy Claims

Views:  2066

Published:  2018-11-26 

Author:  BeneficialInsurance

Published In:  Insurance

Calgary is Alberta’s largest city and the third-largest municipality of Canada. It has a huge population of around 1,239,220 which easily makes this city filled with a lot of energy. To travel around the city and surrounding areas, it’s easier with a vehicle. According . . . .


Use the following link to read the full article ~ Five Things You Didn’t Know About Car Insurance In Calgary

Views:  2862

Published:  2018-11-26 

Author:  BeneficialInsurance

Published In:  Insurance

It is often said that home is where the heart is. This saying is especially true for the people who are living in Alberta. It is common knowledge that every individual living in Alberta takes extreme pride in his or . . . .


Use the following link to read the full article ~ Get The Coverage You Need With Cheap Homeowners Insurance

Views:  2126

Published:  2019-03-13 

Author:  xinsurance

Published In:  Insurance

With so many wonderful things in our lives to be thankful for, it can be easy to forget some of the less obvious blessings. For example, Insurance for Car Dealerships might not be something you think of on a daily . . . .


Use the following link to read the full article ~ 3 Reasons Why You Will Be Glad For Having Insurance For Your Existing Car Dealerships

Views:  1723

Published:  2019-07-13 

Author:  xinsurance

Published In:  Insurance

If you feel like your current Independent Midwives Insurance plan is not providing you with the protection you deserve, it’s probably because they aren’t. Many insurance carriers are only willing to offer certified nurse . . . .


Use the following link to read the full article ~ 3 Benefits Of Customizing Your Own Independent Midwives Insurance Policy

Views:  1384

Published:  2022-09-02 

Author:  editor

Published In:  Insurance

Unlike other states of the US, purchasing a motorcycle insurance is not mandatory in Florida. However, it certainly makes sense to ensure your motorcycle in order to protect it from every kind of incident and accidents that can take place when you are out in . . . .


Use the following link to read the full article ~ Top 5 Cheapest Motorcycle Insurance Providers In Florida

Views:  1759

Published:  2022-08-19 

Author:  editor

Published In:  Insurance

If you are residing in Hartford and looking for the best car insurance for yourself then you have clicked on the right article. When it comes to car insurance, there are a number of companies that offer attractive quotas. However, some might be expensive and . . . .


Use the following link to read the full article ~ The Cheapest And The Best Car Insurance Plans In Hartford Connecticut Car Insurance

Views:  1529

Published:  2022-08-23 

Author:  editor

Published In:  Insurance

Connecticut has always been one of the states to US to always be at the risk of extreme winter weather and coastal storms, there are other tough natural conditions to be faced by the residents of Connecticut . . . .


Use the following link to read the full article ~ Top 5 Homeowners’ Insurance In Connecticut For 2022 That You Need To Try

Views:  4380

Published:  2022-08-24 

Author:  editor

Published In:  Insurance

The year of 2020 has not been a good one for business. Extended lockdowns had resulted in declining customers and decreased profits for most of the business. The insurance industry has not been anything different. In this scenario Allstate . . . .


Use the following link to read the full article ~ Everything You Need To Know About ALLSTATE Layoff 2022 And More

Views:  1014

Published:  2022-08-26 

Author:  editor

Published In:  Insurance

Amica Mutual Insurance Company is the oldest car insurance company in the US. The excellent ratings associated with the company’s financial strength has made it one of the most preferred car insurance companies by the commoners. Additionally, the attractive coverage options and the benefits . . . .


Use the following link to read the full article ~ The Pros And Cons, Annual Rates, Discounts And Comparison Of Amica Car Insurance Plans

Views:  1573

Published:  2022-08-27 

Author:  editor

Published In:  Insurance

Purchasing a boat is not a trivial thing as it requires a significant amount of investment and a good effort to be maintained properly. Even though boat insurance may always not be a legal necessity but it certainly decreases your headache in many ways. It is needless to say . . . .


Use the following link to read the full article ~ Importance Of Boat Insurance And The Best Boat Insurance That You Can Find In 2022

Views:  1690

Published:  2022-08-29 

Author:  editor

Published In:  Insurance

Renters’ insurance is one of the most useful insurance policies that are available in the markets and yet not everyone knows well about it. Renter’s insurance is one type of property insurance that is capable of covering the loss of individual property and protecting insured liability . . . .


Use the following link to read the full article ~ USAA Renters Insurance 2022 – The Ultimate Guide

Views:  1063

Published:  2022-08-30 

Author:  editor

Published In:  Insurance

Just as purchasing a health insurance plan pays for any unexpected health deterioration, a dental insurance plan pays for our uninterrupted smiles that keep our life going. According to the American Dental Association . . . .


Use the following link to read the full article ~ 5 Best Family And Individual Dental Insurance Plans Available In Connecticut

Views:  1610

Published:  2022-08-31 

Author:  editor

Published In:  Insurance

When you are an employer, the safety of your workers is one of the primary aspects you need to be ensured about. There can be no gaps, no loopholes to make sure that your workers are safe and so are you. If you are a Texas employer, there is . . . .


Use the following link to read the full article ~ What Are The Companies To Offer The Best Workers Compensation Insurance In Texas?

Views:  1084

Published:  2022-09-06 

Author:  editor

Published In:  Insurance

Professional liability insurance is one of the most important insurances to own if you have a business with clients. This insurance is also referred as the errors & omissions insurance (E&O insurance) that is capable of paying for your . . . .


Use the following link to read the full article ~ Best Professional Liability Insurance In The US

Views:  962

Published:  2022-09-07 

Author:  editor

Published In:  Insurance

Just as a general car insurance serves the purpose of protecting your car from every unexpected circumstance, a commercial auto insurance does the same for the cars that you use for work. Thus, to define the course of a commercial car insurance it can be stated that, it is . . . .


Use the following link to read the full article ~ Top-rated Commercial Auto Insurance To Purchase In California

Views:  1612

Published:  2022-09-08 

Author:  editor

Published In:  Insurance

Accidents are inevitable, regardless of your company size. No matter if you own a small business or a big corporate, accidents are something you need to be prepared for. And purchasing insurance is the best possible way of being protected against the unexpected situations. Leaving situations vulnerable means pushing . . . .


Use the following link to read the full article ~ 10 Companies To Trust When You Need A Small Business Insurance

Views:  1209

Published:  2022-09-09 

Author:  editor

Published In:  Insurance

Traveling and enjoying camping are very common for the residents of Michigan. The best options for enjoying these little way-outs are by getting the hold of a Recreational vehicle, known as the RVs. RVs are the best probable way of providing you with comfortable space while you are . . . .


Use the following link to read the full article ~ Everything You Need To Know About Michigan RV Insurance

Views:  2436

Published:  2022-09-10 

Author:  editor

Published In:  Insurance

Traveling is the best possible way of deceiving the ever-growing the mundanity that can impact our well-being negatively. Taking a bit of time and exploring new places not only helps in refreshing our minds but also brings physical fitness in our ways. However, issues are common everywhere . . . .


Use the following link to read the full article ~ What Is Travel Insurance And Who Are The Best Providers?

Views:  1594

Published:  2022-09-12 

Author:  editor

Published In:  Insurance

The simple definition of business establishes it as an organization that is engaged in the course of commercial, professional or industrial activities. However, for the business owners their businesses are much more than . . . .


Use the following link to read the full article ~ 5 Most Important Types Of Business Insurance And Their Providers

Views:  1271

Published:  2022-09-13 

Author:  editor

Published In:  Insurance

Auto insurance is certainly one of the most significant factors to consider while ensuring safety and security for individuals. In one of our previous articles, we have provided a detailed information on the . . . .


Use the following link to read the full article ~ Companies To Offer The Best Texas Auto Insurance Quotes

Views:  1417

Published:  2022-09-14 

Author:  editor

Published In:  Insurance

If you are a business owner, regardless of the size, an insurance is certainly one of the most beneficial elements to you. And among all the insurance policies that you can buy for your business errors & omission insurance stays within the top five. However, not everyone has an . . . .


Use the following link to read the full article ~ Error & Omission Insurance (E&O Insurance) : Definition, Coverages, Benefits And Companies

Views:  1237

Published:  2022-09-15 

Author:  editor

Published In:  Insurance

Renters insurance is a specifically designed insurance policy that meets the necessities of the tenants. When you are a tenant, you will not be eligible to purchase a homeowner insurance. On the other hand, your landlord’s homeowners insurance policy will not be covering your . . . .


Use the following link to read the full article ~ What Is Renters Insurance And Why Should You Purchase It?

Views:  1745

Published:  2022-09-16 

Author:  editor

Published In:  Insurance

If there is a business, there must be insurances as well. Commercial insurances can be of many types, such as professional liability insurance, workers compensation insurance, errors and omissions insurance, commercial auto insurance . . . .


Use the following link to read the full article ~ Why Should You Compare Commercial Auto Insurance Quotes?

Views:  1285

Published:  2022-09-19 

Author:  editor

Published In:  Insurance

Accidents are inevitable, so are general issues and natural disasters. All of these are certainly capable of impacting the human life quite vastly and the impacts are not at all pleasant. We cannot control these accidents and events; however, we can still reduce the impacts quite effectively. And the . . . .


Use the following link to read the full article ~ Top 7 Insurance Policies That You Need In 2022

Views:  2139

Published:  2018-12-26 

Author:  EpicResearch

Published In:  Investing

Do you have your new year goals prepared? Have you begun arranging the year 2019? There is a major contrast between an organizer and a wisher. An organizer wishes and plans his approach to make his desire reality though a wisher just wishes and . . . .


Use the following link to read the full article ~ 5 Best Singapore Stocks To Trade In 2019

Views:  632

Published:  2023-06-26 

Author:  n.paul

Published In:  Investing

Investing is a tricky task, and it can be quite stressful for beginners. Starting with investing your money is seriously daunting and is a factor to be associated with several plannings. In this scenario, it is important for the beginners to know what to do . . . .


Use the following link to read the full article ~ 10 Things You Need To Learn Before Start Investing

Views:  18543

Published:  2017-12-04 

Author:  Dheeraj

Published In:  Investments

An Investment bank is an entity that raises capital for companies. In order to raise capital for the companies, these Investment banks sell securities to public investors. Securities may be in the form of stocks or bonds. Investment Banking is a broader term that covers under its scope the . . . .


Use the following link to read the full article ~ Investment Banking And Its Functions

Views:  9344

Published:  2017-12-26 

Author:  Dheeraj

Published In:  Investments

  COLLECTIVE INVESTMENT SCHEME is defined in SECTION 11AA OF SEBI ACT In order to strengthen the hands of SEBI to protect interests of investors in plantation companies, The Securities Laws (Amendments) Act . . . .


Use the following link to read the full article ~ Collective Investment Scheme

Views:  9054

Published:  2017-07-09 

Author:  hasanuzzaman

Published In:  Loans

Buying a new car is a very precious thing in everyone’s life. When you buy a new car for yourself finding a right finance option is crucial. Choosing a good finance company can enhance your car purchasing experience. Financing your car through credit unions is always a good . . . .


Use the following link to read the full article ~ 5 Reasons You Should Consider Getting An Auto Loan From A Credit Union

Views:  2233

Published:  2018-03-30 

Author:  cordesjoanne

Published In:  Loans

 Are you planning to start a new business? Good business requires a loan to be taken into consideration for starting. The pre-eminent factor is to register your business so that other factors turn simple. It is easy to register your business with the . . . .


Use the following link to read the full article ~ How Business Registration Helps To Receive Quick Loan Approvals

Views:  21300

Published:  2017-06-18 

Author:  hasanuzzaman

Published In:  Mortgage

The well-known American comedian and actor Bob Hope had the following satirical saying about a bank: "A bank is a place that will lend you money if you can prove that you don't need it" . . . .


Use the following link to read the full article ~ HELP I NEED MONEY FAST

Views:  9567

Published:  2017-11-27 

Author:  Dheeraj

Published In:  Mutual Funds

Mutual fund is a trust that pools the savings (accepts the money) of a number of investors who share a common financial goal that is to earn return or create wealth). Mutual Fund offers an opportunity to invest in a diversified professionally managed basket of securities at a relatively . . . .


Use the following link to read the full article ~ Mutual Funds - Introduction

Views:  8214

Published:  2017-12-01 

Author:  Dheeraj

Published In:  Mutual Funds

We have seen what are Mutual funds in the previous article on the introduction of Mutual Funds. We will now look into the types of Mutual funds. Open Ended Funds: . . . .


Use the following link to read the full article ~ Types Of Mutual Funds

Views:  701

Published:  2020-02-12 

Author:  JaneEdison

Published In:  Real Estate

Sometimes things might not always go as planned. Unfortunate events can occur in everybody’s life but the most important thing is how we respond to them. The same concept applies from an economic standpoint. Sometimes you might go through a financial crisis because of an unexpected event such . . . .


Use the following link to read the full article ~ Avoiding A Financial Crisis Through An Estate Liquidation

Views:  1105

Published:  2020-05-05 

Author:  Landlords123

Published In:  Real Estate

A property management firm rightly understands the value of your investment. So, they take care of every individual thing that makes your rental unit perfect and attractive towards the renters. When you hire the right expert . . . .


Use the following link to read the full article ~ 5 Benefits Of Using Property Management Company

Views:  10236

Published:  2017-11-20 

Author:  Dheeraj

Published In:  Stock Market

1.Introduction: A Financial market is a market where Financial Securities such as Equity, Bonds, Derivatives and Currencies are traded. Financial Markets have gained much popularity in almost every country and are known for its trading activities that empower the investors or the . . . .


Use the following link to read the full article ~ Capital Markets Of India

Views:  7577

Published:  2017-11-21 

Author:  Dheeraj

Published In:  Stock Market

1. Investors/Traders: Any person investing in the stock market with an expectation of future financial return is called an Investor. The main objective of an Investor is to maximize their wealth or gain return instead of speculation. These investors invest in the securities with a view . . . .


Use the following link to read the full article ~ Participants Of Stock Market And Settlement Process

Views:  11567

Published:  2017-12-06 

Author:  Dheeraj

Published In:  Stock Market

Underwriting - Background: A Body corporate that lists its shares on stock exchange for public to buy them may not always be successful in getting its shares subscribed to the extent it requires. Sometimes it may get undersubscribed which would lead the companies to refund the . . . .


Use the following link to read the full article ~ Underwriting of Securities

Views:  4271

Published:  2017-12-08 

Author:  Dheeraj

Published In:  Stock Market

Debt market and Debentures Debt market is a market where the debt securities can be issued, bought or sold. Issuing new debt is done in Primary Market and trading . . . .


Use the following link to read the full article ~ Debt Market, Debentures And Debenture Trustee

Views:  10044

Published:  2017-12-12 

Author:  Dheeraj

Published In:  Stock Market

Types of Debentures, Convertible debentures, Non – Convertible debentures, Redeemable debentures, Irredeemable debentures, Secured and Unsecured or Naked debentures, First Mortgaged and Second mortgaged debentures, Registered and Unregistered or Bearer debentures, Fixed and . . . .


Use the following link to read the full article ~ Types Of Debentures

Views:  9295

Published:  2017-12-16 

Author:  Dheeraj

Published In:  Stock Market

There are many ways Speculation can be done in the Stock market. Insider trading is an activity that influences the fraudulent activities on the Stock exchange. Insider Trading:                           . . . .


Use the following link to read the full article ~ Insider Trading

Views:  9338

Published:  2017-12-18 

Author:  Dheeraj

Published In:  Stock Market

Depository: A Depository is an organization like a central bank where the securities of shareholder are held in the electronic form at the request of the shareholder through the medium of a Depository Participant. According to Section 2(e) of the Depositories act . . . .


Use the following link to read the full article ~ Depository And Depository System

Views:  12034

Published:  2018-01-09 

Author:  Dheeraj

Published In:  Accounting

Businesses need to make informed and data-driven decisions to keep gaining success in this competitive world.  Especially when it comes to making financial decisions, ensuring that your decisions are well-informed is a crucial step. However, generating financial information is not as easy as it . . . .


Use the following link to read the full article ~ Generating Financial Information And Users Of Financial Information

Views:  9195

Published:  2018-01-10 

Author:  Dheeraj

Published In:  Accounting

This is the first article of our series of intensive series of articles to make understand Accounting and its concepts in a simple and efficient way. Lets get started with the term Accounting and its history. History & Meaning of . . . .


Use the following link to read the full article ~ Accounting And Its History

Views:  3707

Published:  2018-01-10 

Author:  Dheeraj

Published In:  Accounting

The road map of the series of the articles that are covered are linked in the manner of table of contents. Please click on the links to get redirected to the topics. Basics . . . .


Use the following link to read the full article ~ Accounting Roadmap

Views:  9763

Published:  2018-01-10 

Author:  Dheeraj

Published In:  Accounting

In this article, we will learn what is Book keeping and how Book keeping is different from Accounting. Bookkeeping refers basically to the process of record keeping aspects. The process begins from . . . .


Use the following link to read the full article ~ Book Keeping Vs. Accounting

Views:  17666

Published:  2018-01-11 

Author:  Dheeraj

Published In:  Accounting

In the previous article, we have seen the meaning of the term “Accounting” and its history. In this article, we will discuss about what are the objectives and functions of . . . .


Use the following link to read the full article ~ Objectives And Functions Of Accounting - Everything you need to know

Views:  9128

Published:  2018-01-15 

Author:  Dheeraj

Published In:  Accounting

TYPES OF ACCOUNTING OR SUB-FIELDS OF ACCOUNTING The need of business along with the various technological, economical, industrial, financial, and other specialized fields are resulting in the necessity of different subfields of accounting. Nowadays accountants are trying to . . . .


Use the following link to read the full article ~ Branches (or) Sub-Fields Of Accounting

Views:  38185

Published:  2018-01-22 

Author:  Dheeraj

Published In:  Accounting

Accounting Concepts Basic concepts of accounting governs the various aspects and procedures of accounting and helps to maintain and prepare accounting records and financial statements in a better, understandable, comparative and a uniform manner. The concepts of accounting are as follows: . . . .


Use the following link to read the full article ~ Accounting Concepts, Principles And Conventions

Views:  10539

Published:  2018-01-23 

Author:  Dheeraj

Published In:  Accounting

There are various approaches which are used for the formulation of accounting process. Under double entry book keeping system, transaction with invoices or proper documents acting as evidence to them are analysed in terms of money and are recorded in the books of accounts. Two approaches are followed for . . . .


Use the following link to read the full article ~ Approaches To Accounting And Golden Rules Of Accounting

Views:  8593

Published:  2018-01-23 

Author:  Dheeraj

Published In:  Accounting

Financial statements are the statements that exhibits the periodic performance results through Profit & loss account (for Trading entities) or Income and Expenditure account (for Non- Trading Concerns), Financial position as on a particular day through Balance sheet, Cash flows and utilization of cash for various activities through Cash . . . .


Use the following link to read the full article ~ Financial Statements And Characteristics Of Financial Statements

Views:  6527

Published:  2018-01-24 

Author:  Dheeraj

Published In:  Accounting

Books of accounts are the records which are prepared and maintained of the day to day activity of business. Books of accounts are of mainly of two types, namely manual books of accounts and computerized books of accounts. Manual books of accounts are the manually maintained traditional . . . .


Use the following link to read the full article ~ A Detailed Discussion on Books Of Accounts

Views:  9887

Published:  2018-01-24 

Author:  Dheeraj

Published In:  Accounting

Profit & Loss account: Though generally called as Profit & Loss account, it has two parts in it called Trading Account Profit and loss account Trading account It . . . .


Use the following link to read the full article ~ Profit And Loss Account

Views:  5371

Published:  2018-01-24 

Author:  Dheeraj

Published In:  Accounting

Every transaction that a company enters into can be any of the two types i.e, Revenue nature  Capital nature . . . .


Use the following link to read the full article ~ Types Or Classification Of Transactions

Views:  7259

Published:  2018-01-24 

Author:  Dheeraj

Published In:  Accounting

Trial balance is basically prepared at the end of an accounting period, which acts as the first step towards the preparation of financial statements. Trial balance is a list of closing balances of all the ledger accounts at a specific time that is . . . .


Use the following link to read the full article ~ Trial Balance - Definition, examples and explanation

Views:  2982

Published:  2018-01-24 

Author:  Dheeraj

Published In:  Accounting

Balance sheet is the final account which represents the financial position of an entity as on the date of preparing the balance sheet. This statement or account contains the balances of all the accounts after posting of transactions in the respective accounts that are carried . . . .


Use the following link to read the full article ~ Balance Sheet - A detailed article

Views:  3204

Published:  2018-02-03 

Author:  Dheeraj

Published In:  Accounting

Cash flow statement is one of the elements of Financial statement which describes the flow of cash through the business. It shows the inflow and outflow of cash happening in business. It is an . . . .


Use the following link to read the full article ~ Cash Flow Statement

Views:  6452

Published:  2018-02-03 

Author:  Dheeraj

Published In:  Accounting

Unintentional mistakes or accounting ignorance done at the time of recording or processing which results in some difference in financial statements with that of actual figures of the financial statement are known as errors of accounting. These errors are considered non- fraudulent as they are done . . . .


Use the following link to read the full article ~ Rectification Of Errors in Accounting

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