Views: 10635
Published: 2016-12-01
Author: ranjanjha501
Published In: Current Events
The black economy is often discussed for political, social, and economic reasons because of its deleterious effect on the nation and its leadership. This is visible in institution s . . . .
Use the following link to read the full article ~ Estimation Of The Size Of The Black Economy In India, 1996-2012
Views: 2428
Published: 2017-10-28
Author: Zuriel
Published In: Current Events
Il y en a qui choisissent de ne pas s'exprimer sur la manière dont nos Etats sont gouvernés. Ils préfèrent se consacrer exclusivement à leurs activités économiques. Nous aimerions apporter notre point de vue sur la question. Ne nous voilons pas la face . . . .
Use the following link to read the full article ~ LA POLITIQUE : POURQUOI DIRE SON MOT LA-DESSUS?
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