My friend has this week received electronic mail of the alleged domain administrator company where he works. So, he received an e-mail from the sender This address has never existed in their system. The text message said that he received some faxes that is attached to a report. Attachment was packed document. Unfortunately, after a few days of arrival of these messages, my friend has decided to open an attachment that was in error. Soon he has lost all data on his computer, and virus which have been hidden in attached file, moved to the server.
How to recognize this kind of e-mails? Here are five types of messages you should immediately delete it when you see them in your mailbox:
1. Messages in which sender's address is a series of random numbers and letters without meaning, for example:
2. Messages in which have double extension in the name, for example: something.jpg.exe or, etc.
3. Messages in which the sender is unknown to you, and in the body of e-mail is just one link which you are asked to click
4. Messages that falsely appear to be from your colleagues or friends, and have an interesting title, which normally would not expect to send your friend or colleague, for example: "Look, I spilled coffee on myself ..." "See, the funny pictures from last night's party ... "
5. The messages that promote social engineering, where someone tells you that with a small fee from your side, you can earn a lot of money. The so-called case "the Nigerian general."
There are zero sub-categories in this parent category.
There are zero sub-categories in this parent category.
There are zero sub-categories in this parent category.