If you’re one of the over 700 million iPhone model 6 owners across the world, there’s a decent chance you’ve encountered a battery issue with your device at this point in its lifespan. You’ve also likely heard about Apple’s recent response to accusations that they purposefully slow down the processor speeds of their iPhones later in life to improve battery life, impacting consumer experience and potentially driving upgrades. Apple maintains that’s not the case and degrade for a number of reasons, but they do acknowledge their role in better communicating and managing phone battery expectations. In the wake of this, they’ve thrown iPhone users a $50 bone to recognize your loyalty and regain your trust.
What all of this doesn’t change is what a pain it is to have to figure out what’s going on with your phone and how to fix it. Especially when you need the phone - right now! - and are time-strapped.
Is your mobile phone not-so mobile? Are you perpetually charging it? Random, mid-photo and text shutdowns? It’s probably a battery issue. You can also download any one of the free and easy-to-use battery health monitoring apps to confirm. Apple will also test your battery to see if it’s a battery or different power issue.
If the battery is defective, and your phone is still under warranty, Apple will cover the repair. If you have Apple Care+, Apple will replace the battery if it retains less than 80% of its charge.
Send your phone to an Apple Repair Center, or take your phone to an Apple store or Authorized service location. They’ll replace the battery for $29 through December 2018.
Someone at the mall, your local repair shop, or phone specialist stop, will probably charge you $50-$70 to replace the battery. Just be sure they know what they’re doing before you hand your prized possession over. While this is an option, it doesn’t really make sense given Apple’s discounted replacement cost.
For the intrepid iPhone user, you can buy an iPhone 6S battery replacement kit online for anywhere from $10-$30. This approach can offer significant savings and a more convenient replacement option if you’re comfortable getting to know the inside of your iPhone. If you purchase from a legit vendor (make sure you read reviews), the kit will come with instructions and all the tiny tools you need. Replacement time is usually around 30 minutes. That’s a chunk of time and decent change saved doing it yourself.
Make sure to recycle your battery when you’re done. Batteries are filled with not-so-great stuff for the environment and those who rely on it being healthy (us). If you have your battery replaced by Apple or an authorized service location, they’ll handle this for you. If you don’t, please be mindful and don’t stick it directly in the trash. Not only can it be bad for the environment, but it can also be dangerous as well. Lastly, enjoy that phone, and be sure to read up on ways to preserve battery life so you don’t have to go through this again anytime soon.
Whether you’re a wannabe Apple genius or just like the convenience of handling things yourself, make sure you check out iDemiGods.com to buy your iPhone 6S battery replacement. They’re reputable parts, tools, and accessories vendor who specializes in Apple devices and offer some great deals. They’ve also got great service and can help ensure you get the absolute most out of your iPhone!
For more information about Ipad Mini Battery Replacement and iPhone 6 Plus Parts Please visit: iDemiGods.
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