PCOS which is known as Poly Cystic Ovary Syndrome is very common these days. Many women are facing this issue and trying to fight with this disease and some are now very tired of it. Medicine is not the full solution in order to get rid of PCOS; you need to have some effective home remedies for PCOS in order to get out of this problem fully. Here are some good home remedies for PCOS which you can add to your daily routine.
You need to cut off the dairy products and fast foods from your daily routine. Try to use oil free items throughout the day; because PCOS means weight gain without eating anything, even so, it is better to control the body weight. Use fruits and vegetables more than meat and even chicken. Fish is very helpful in maintaining the weight and if you prefer to fish during your eating hours it will really help you in fighting against PCOS.
Green tea is really good to maintain your weight if you are facing the issue of PCOS. You can add it to your daily routine, infect after using the tea bags of green tea you can save the tea bags in the fridge and put them later on your puffy eyes and pimples as well. In this way, you can fight against your pimples too which is very common for PCOS patient. So drink green tea, use green tea on your face as face shower and use tea bags around your eyes. Green tea is one of the effective home remedies for PCOS.
Exercise is an essential part of PCOS patient’s daily routine because you cannot maintain your weight without this. You need to do exercise on daily basis in order to maintain your weight. Especially after dinner, you need to do some small walk to digest the food you took. Don’t get lazy all the day you must need to be active and smart in order to fight against PCOS.
Normally, the people who take tensions and stress get weaker day by day. With PCOS patients, the situation is quite different. They gain weight limitless in tensions and stressful situations. PCOS patients should avoid tensions and stress and take some good refreshing baths, some very refreshing facials off & on and massage as well. With the help of all these, they can avoid their daily tensions and stress and become active towards their daily plans and schedules.
Foods which are full of fiber can be helpful to terminate the PCOS issues because it is all the matter of reducing and maintaining the weight. Almonds, Bananas, Fish, carrots, oats, brown-rice and many other foods which are full of fiber can be helpful to digest the food fast and also boost up your metabolism. In this way, you can keep yourself fit and smart throughout the life.
PCOS disturbs the menstruation cycle badly and you need to use herbs and natural supplements time to time in order to regulate the periods' cycle. It is very common and major issue that if you got the regular habit of missing your periods every month then conceiving is also very hard. You need to make your periods routine normal and for this, you need to take natural herbs and supplements instead of medicines. Medicine only can give you a temporary benefit but using of herbs and supplements can regulate the period's cycle naturally.
All these tips and effective home remedies for PCOS in order to get rid of this horrible disease. If you will add these remedies and tips in your daily routine, you can definitely get awesome results.
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