The title of this article is an expression of the symbiotic relationship between humans and dogs that has been in existence for a long period of human history. I cannot imagine a human life without the privilege, the adventure of owning a dog. If you are one of the unlucky ones to not have experienced this given bliss, I pity you. Especially children should be given the privilege of owning a dog in a family environment and learning many of life's difficult lessons in the process.
It is accepted today that all canines are descendants of a small gray wolf that lived many centuries ago. These wolfs were domesticated about 13000 years ago. The species of wolves involved in this experiment has since become extinct and only dogs remain to represent the genetics and DNA of those original wolves. Modern canines, therefore, have no relationship with present-day wolves, a myth that can be removed from the table. In centuries gone past dogs were used as companions, herding animals and for the purpose of hunting.
As human life progressed the need to use dogs for other purposes arose and intensive, selective breeding resulted in the large variety that faces you when you have to make the difficult choice of acquiring a dog for you family. Today dog breeds are classified into 10 categories by the World Canine Organization. This organization is considered to be the most prestigious when it comes to the breeding of dogs and the international control thereof. Dog breeds are divided into 10 prime groups e.g. Terriers, Retrievers and Herd dogs. These ten groups are again sub-divided into 350 to 400 breeds. The process of registration of new breeds is ongoing. Of the subgroups, Labradors vie for the position as the most popular dog, in any event in the English-speaking world. In China with its large population, Huskies appear to be leading the popularity race. No doubt, the large variety of breeds makes the choice of a favorite pet animal highly complex if not daunting. Do not allow this difficulty to spoil the delight and satisfaction of selecting your own bundle of furry joy.
Today the world dog population is approaching one billion and growing. The sales of dog foods and other supporting products for your favorite pet is huge in terms of its share in the economic activities in most countries. The dog has claimed its place as the most treasured pet of mankind. Remarkedly, the tremendous growth in the number of dog breeds only occurred over the last 100 to 150 years.
While we are on the issue of breeds and the purity or lack of a dog's breed, emphasis should be placed on the fact that breed is not some kind of prescribed precondition. There are millions of pups born out of intentional or accidental cross breeding. They are referred to as mongrels, mix breeds, fakes and even worse. Puppies of a mixed breed should in my view not be considered inferior. They have all the desirable characteristics of purebred dogs and can provide an equal share of love, trust, and pleasure than the best bred dog. On the contrary, the crossing of breeds can sometimes surprise with a delightful result, coming straight from the dog gene pool.
It is surprising that the dog as we know it today comes as a breed from a single type of wolf. The variety is astounding and people often remark on the differences between dogs in terms of colors, ears, noses, face forms, strength, tails, length, and furs leaving out temperament and psychological features.
Canines will provide you with unique personalities and attributes. They will do anything to protect their loved ones. Loyalty, warmth, love, trust and a deep-seated desire to please you ooze from their presence in palpable quantities.
It is, therefore, just right that you as the superior being answer these wonderful qualities in the responsible manner that befits this special bond. Dogs need shelter, food, water, safety, and health in return for the benefits that they bring to you. They also require space, attention, and exercise. The point is that you cannot make a dog your companion and then neglect his guardianship. Attention to detail is sometimes required and daily chores will undoubtedly require you to be available for the care of your friend. Consider his diet, brush his teeth, inspect him for injuries or signs of illness. His desire and zest for life are as high as yours.
The jury remains out on the desired food for your dog. Factory prepared canned or dried foods are sometimes high in starch. If you use this type of food it should be high in quality. There is no reason why fresh produce that you prepare for yourself on a daily basis should not be utilized. Never provide your animal with alcohol, chocolates or any other product made from cacao, coffee, tea, energized drinks, cat food, onion, garlic, avocado pears, raisins or grapes. Highly recommended is lean protein e.g. meats and fish, sweet potatoes, potatoes, pumpkin, green vegetables, rice, pasta, apples and as a special treat peanut butter.
Train your dog to be obedient thereby ensuring that both you and the animal are happy in the relationship. It is not difficult to train them and they usually come to accept you effortlessly as their leader. Tone of voice, teaching by example and plenty of praise for achievements will go a long way to get the animal to do what you want.
Dogs like any other creature become scared and nervous. There are telltale signs of your canine's stress and frustration. Ordinary psychological factors like jealousy and boredom affect them as much as any other creature. Be aware of this by increasing your knowledge about your dog and providing the necessary support.
Training is one of the reasons why the relationship between man and dog came into existence. As time goes on more and more ways in which dogs can be trained to assist their human friends, are becoming evident. Today dogs are used to herd animals, assist in hunting, act as guides for the blind, assisting in the fight against crime both physically and through the use of their smelling faculties, looking after the aged and the sick and detecting emergencies.
There are shameful practices around the keeping of dogs that do not even require acknowledgment here if you are a decent human being. Because they exist, some mention is made of them in passing, based on the understanding that they should be eradicated at all costs. These practices range from neglect of animals, keeping them in quarters that are not adequate for their size and the breeding and training of dogs to entertain sick human beings by pitting them against other dogs to participate in bloody fights.
There is a myriad of facts about dogs that owners may or may not be aware of. I find it fascinating to note them increasing to my constant surprise, the knowledge that we have about these wonderful animals. It is impossible to provide you with substantial detail in this regard but here are some of those I am aware of just to whet your appetite for the subject:
My personal love for dogs is reflected in the words of this article. I find the brown eyes of my dog, looking straight into mine, irresistible. It conveys in a beholding of my face a depth of love, appreciation, and gratitude that I have not been able to find in the eyes of any other creature.
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There are zero sub-categories in this parent category.
There are zero sub-categories in this parent category.