Talk fashion and you grab the attention of a huge portion of the population. There is a massive amount of writing on the topic, taking into account the specialist magazines, women's magazines in general, and family orientated publications. Add to this fashion shows, events, and the popular television programs dealing with trendy clothing and you get an idea of the scope of the industry. Popular films and TV shows are another source of influence. It is said that the fashion industry represents 2 percent of the global economy. There are those who may ignore market trends but most people of both sexes care about their appearance. The right clothes can cure some of your physical problems, making them invisible.
The relevance of clothing sense in fashion can therefore not be questioned. Where this relevance should be placed on a scale of importance is, however debatable. The editor of Vogue Anna Wintour, whose life was the subject of the film "The Devil Wears Prada" is quite blunt when she says:
American business woman and fashion icon Iris Apfel represents a more modest view with a wide spread of support amongst fashion experts when she states:
This article supports the latter view and the reasons for it will be made clear in later sections.
Dress sense and style refer to the same thing. It can be defined as the ability to select clothes and accessories which reflect the choice of the wearer, providing an indication of personality and character.
It should be noted that there is a global movement towards the wearing of more casual clothes even on unexpected occasions. The wearing of jeans at virtually any event is an example. T-shirts can vary between very casual and a fashion statement. Casual dress is the opposite of the previous prescribed rules of acceptable clothing. It includes being comfortable and functional. As the result of the movement to casual styles, large portions of the manufacturing of goods in the dress market have disappeared from shop shelves e.g. nylon leggings. The movement to casual dress can be linked to the quest for freedom. The influence of this event on the fashion industry is profound.
There are no rules about the development of your own style. You should know your own body, its weaknesses, and strengths. Remember that everything that is worth time and effort comes from inside you. It expresses who you are and what your goals are. Take note of aspects of fashion trends but do not ignore your own choices by any means. Style goes beyond first impressions. It is connected to self-confidence and the feeling that you are really looking good. The right clothes play a valuable role in the adventure of finding your true self.
You may consider having your own think tank with only yourself participating, or calling in the help of a friend. Draw up a list of existing styles that you can think of and then cross out those that you know will not suit you. Use the remaining ones as a guideline in the development of your own style.
Remember that clothing can make a considerable difference. A person who looks quite ordinary can change to attractive by wearing the right apparel. The opposite is also true. Don't spoil your good looks with bad dress choices. Clothes must assist you to look your best.
It is highly important that you must be true to yourself. Ignore sizes and labels. Experiment with clothing items to the point that you feel good about yourself. Your style must be a reflection of your unique personality, your own life. It must, in fact, honor your joyful existence. Remember that the things that give you confidence and make you look attractive will never go out of fashion. Your clothes send out an important cue to friends and foes what your self-image is in terms of your own choice. The development of a personal style can be problematic. We all know of occasions where we wondered over and over what to wear to a specific occasion. You must be able to adapt your style to any occasion with the retention of your personal style.
Designer, Diana Von Furstenburg sums it up well when she refers to confidence in your dress in the following way:
Here are some of the things you can do to develop your own style:
Fashion is in the service of humans and not the other way around. It can be quite fulfilling to wear clothes in which you are comfortable, yet is noted as an extension of your personality and character. If you can succeed in expressing your inner self through the clothes you wear, the world will observe a spirited, glowing individual. You will know when you meet such a person because all eyes will be drawn to the friendly and sunny personality, expressing her inner beauty as she moves through the world. Her contacts with friends, family, and strangers will always be joyous occurrences. Rely on your instinct, be adventurous, and achieve balance between dress sense in fashion.
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