We have seen some pretty good platformers emerged from the community of video games in recent years. Whether you watch the Ori and the Blind Forest and its robust story of light and darkness or Shovel Knight with his colorful journey into the world of retro charm, there is simply no lack of pleasant experience. The strength of these games is expressive nature of the way your world reveal the players.
Music, stories, plays - those are the things that make the difference between good and great platform. Owlboy is the latest game of this type, the product of nine years of hard work D-Pad Studios, and in each fraction of its creatures can be seen long commitment to this great game elements, writes site IT NETWORK. From robust art to significant development of the characters, we can not remember if any game ever provide content to this level of beauty and completeness, as it does Owlboy.
Owlboy tells the story of a broken and divided world. Land mass of all sizes, from small islands to the vast continents, floating in the air from the mysterious reasons that few people remember. On the land masses of the people live in harmony with the owls, which are in this world half-human, half-bird-like creatures that are tasked to maintain peace and protect their village. Players assume the role of one such owls, young and tiny Otus. Otus is a silent protagonist, but not the "normal" unexplained way. He is German, which is a joke at the expense of this concept in video games. Otus also shows shortcomings in terms of skills that most owls there, that's why most considered inferior. Even in the first minutes of the game, he is portrayed as a sympathetic outsider to whom it is difficult to express the emotions and relies on the help of friends to express, which is wonderfully fits into the rest of the game.
At the beginning of the adventure Owlboy introduces you to its relatively simple controls. Otus can jump and fly as he wants, but there are only two ways to defend, in the form of a circular attack that stuns, but does not kill most opponents and the ability to raise and throws both objects at enemies and obstacles. There are hopping pals like Geddyja. Besides being Otus's best friend, Geddy also handled blaster pistol and even he does not mind being carried around by Otus. In this way fight in Owlboy becomes a kind of shooting with two controls, but is a little more than that. There are enemies and obstacles that Geddy can not be removed, but can Otus, and vice versa. There are also obstacles that none of them can not exceed, and in such cases comes to help new friends that Otus carries a similar way as it does with Geddyjem. In every part of your being, a growing collection of moves Otus and his friends expressed the convenience of the level of the best days of games such as The Legend of Zelda and Metroid.
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