With the number of employment opportunities on the rise continuously, you may find yourself in the midst of a pool of job applications. It is very possible that you may lose track one or multiple of them for that matter. Imagine the amount of hard work you put into searching for the right job positions, listing each one of them, filling out forms and all of that could easily go down the drain, limiting your options. It can really be confusing while trying to stay organized during an intense job hunting. Hence, It is very important to plan and have a structured way of keeping track of all your job applications while job searching.
Having your job applications sorted and documented is your very first step. If you have used Excel sometime in your life then creating a google spreadsheet is an efficient and productive way to maintain all your activities in one place. You can mention details like
Although this a conventional way writing down dates and mentioning vital information, it is quintessential to jot down your deadlines and date of interview. Believe me, this works.
Your day wouldn’t be complete without you looking at your phone for the latest updates, facebook posts, Instagram likes, etc. You can create reminders, alarm or even alerts to always stay a step ahead on the deadlines. And not to mention a ton of mobile apps to help you out in the process.
Always keep in mind that it’s the Quality, not quantity that matters. Applying for jobs that actually fit your potential rather than filling out every application coming your way would be worth the effort. This saves a lot of time and resources from your point of view and the recruiter point of view.
It is the age of social media and what best way to manage your timeline than being active on various social media handles such as LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. When it comes to showcasing yourself professional attributes there is no better platform than LinkedIn. So, get on LinkedIn and get networking.
How Land A Job In 30 Days or Less?
If this isn’t the question of the hour then I honestly don’t know what is. Wouldn’t it be amazing if all your hard work (rather smart work) paid off in the shortest possible time and you find the job you had always wanted. Easily anybody’s dream. But it isn’t a cakewalk. You may sometimes feel that you have very little time but plenty of things to do.
The key to achieving your dream job is managing time efficiently and judiciously. How can this be done you ask? Pretty simple. Start off by breaking down your efforts in job hunting into small intervals. By doing so you can manage your pressure and intensify your job search.
Spending some quality time every day will not only steadily boost your efforts but also realizes your goal over a period of time.
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This is the initial stage in a job hunting and perhaps the most important one too. This is where you set your eyes on a particular job role or company and personalize your resume accordingly.
Getting in touch with likeminded people can do a world of good for you. There will be chances wherein you might come across about a job posting from one of your contacts. Networking will expand your circle and rake in a lot of external opportunities. LinkedIn is one place to start building your network.
This is where your real work begins. After identifying the role you desire, it’s time for you to put in the hard work. Focus your time into finding contacts and narrowing down on your goal.
Engage with your connections, post questions, collect feedback and improve yourself.
Discover how to pin down the fancied job through online as well as offline channels.
Finally, prepare yourself for the all important interview. Do follow up to know your status. Ultimately you would have ticked all the boxes necessary to crack the interview.
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