The internet is literally the cradle of knowledge, business opportunities, and fun. But, as everything else in this world, it has a few drawbacks. Most of them are related to violating privacy, stealing and cyber crime. Nowadays, they are far more advanced than most internet users imagine. This also means that an improved protection is a must. Here, we will mention the toughest and the most severe internet threats.
Hacker attacks are the rarest type of internet threats that may occur to you, but they are the most severe ones, so they deserve the first place. A hacker or hackers can use viruses, spyware, worms and Trojans to get access to your private files. Viruses replicate themselves and affect your computer performances. Worms send themselves to all email recipients your PC has and Trojans can disable your firewall and make a hacker attack more ‘’successful’’. Keep in mind that when a hacker gets access to your website or a computer, he will have a total access to all your files, information and etc.
These methods are also used by hackers, but they are also used by average users, simply because they are simple. Phishing is when someone sends you an email, you click on it and you go to some website or to a page that is unavailable. What you don’t know is that an attacker got your information, such as IP address, name, email, password and etc.
Pharming is a more severe version of phishing. In essence, a hacker can make a website that looks almost 100% the same as an official one. It is used to obtain credit card numbers, passwords and private details.
If you want to steal a password, there is no a better way than to use keyloggers. These are small software that tracks your keyboard input. Simply said, a hacker can get a file that contains your email, your password, your letters and everything that you have typed on your computer. In most ways, they are similar to worms and viruses, but keyloggers are harder to detect and harder to install. Note: There are websites on the internet that also monitor your typing!
The software in question is developed to look like a real antivirus or similar program. It is used to trick you pay for a premium version, so you are apparently 100% safe from the threats. In reality, they don’t do a thing and they are just fake software, developed so a hacker can steal money from you. The most concerning fact is that they look almost like professional and actual software, which makes them more successful.
Spam isn’t a severe threat, but it is the most common one. We included it here because more than 50% of emails on the internet are spam. They are annoying and some of them are associated with phishing and pharming. They are also threats, simply because they cannot be useful!
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